My Name is Amanda and I’m Addicted to Final Fantasy VII

“Hiiii Amanda.” Everyone has a favorite something or other that they just can’t get enough of, whether it be a book, movie, song, video game, the list is endless. It’s comforting to rewatch that happy movie after a long day or perhaps sing that super radical jam at the top of your lungs because it…

My Everlasting Love For Video Games

I remember sitting cross-legged on our grey living room carpet, maybe five feet from our boxy television at the time, completely captivated by the blue dude spinning his way through colorfully pixelated environments. My hands were gripping the Sega controller, anticipating what was to come. I was maybe six or seven years old when I…

Favorite Video Game Characters A-Z

This was a TOUGHY. I had some conflicts with characters because naturally, a lot of the ones I love started with the same letter, so I did my darnedest to pick and choose. I could have easily doubled up on some letters, but it was H A R D.