Xoxo, Amanda – “Top 5 Things To Look For in a Guy”

*Every Wednesday, I will be posting either an excerpt or a page from one of my middle school diaries and reflecting on them as a (sort of) more mature human being. Names will be hidden to protect the person’s identity as well as their imminent embarrassment for my teenage perceptions of them.*

These qualities are very, VERY generic to look for in another human being, but I do give kudos to thirteen year old Amanda for having a good head on her shoulders. So instead of constructively criticizing my awkward preteen self, I will rather write out a new list of what I personally think is important to find in a potential lovebug (in no particular order). Obviously, this is my personal opinion so if you don’t particularly agree, that is ay-ok, my friend.

Someone who is both understanding & empathetic

Someone who can convey empathy to another human being is incredibly attractive. I firmly believe it’s a trait everyone should acquire. I’ve experienced tragedy and people who I truly thought cared about me turned the other cheek because they couldn’t comprehend my emotions and failed to attempt understanding what I was going through. A man who has my back no matter what shit life throws in my face is a man worth sticking with. Be there for the people you love the most. Be a shoulder to cry on, even if you don’t understand what they’re feeling.

A human radiating a radical sense of humor with a combination of some shared interests

I’m sarcastic as fuck. I WRITE IN ALL CAPS TO PROJECT MY EXCITEMENT. I make up words and say random shit on a daily basis. A person who vibes a similar humor and can retort with just as much stupidity iz gud hooman. I also know word of the mouth is “opposites attract”, but in all honesty, how rad is it to connect with someone who shares your passions and interests? It’s fairly rare to find people you truly click with; people who you fall into a natural rhythm with and life is just easier with them around. I wouldn’t mind someone who wants to binge on video games all day while simultaneously stuffing our faces with unimaginable amounts of junk food. Sign a girl up, yo.

A person who has ambition & passion; someone who pushes me to achieve my goals

One of my favorite things ever is listening to someone talk about something they’re passionate about. Their face lights up and they get super excited about the nitty gritty details that you may not even have the slightest inkling about. It is the cutest fucking thing. I think it’s important to have goals. Where do you see yourself in five years? What do you want to do with your life? Additionally, when I’m in a rut and have lost faith in a goal I’d been working toward, I need someone to light a fire under my ass and motivate me to keep going. I need someone who makes me a better person.

A beautiful soul that makes me smile so hard my cheeks hurt

KILL EM WITH KINDNESS. Or rather make me swoon like a fucking idiot because that is exactly what I do. It is so attractive witnessing someone’s inner beauty. Surrounding yourself with humans encompassing a happy-go-lucky disposition is proven to lift your spirits drastically. Good energy brings about good things, folks. Being with someone who makes your heart smile just because of who they are is such a magical thing.

Someone who is family oriented

This is HUGE for me. If you know me personally, you know how close knit my family is. My house has always been known for taking in refugees who need a place to go, a place that just makes you feel better by being there. I love that with my entire heart. I grew up with my mother being my best friend and I know that when I have a kid someday, I will do my darnedest to build that same type of relationship with them. Family is so, so important. A dude who loves spending time with my family and his own just makes my heart melt.

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